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Sea Post King

omg i haven't been on here in forever and I feel horribly out of place and terribly out of date! Embarassed ~but my computer runs properly now internet-wise...

...with that said, I thought I was a big ol' baby but now I don't feel so bad being 9lbs 10oz...still alot, but nothing compared to the kids you popped out Kim!~More power to you!...however...I do believe a majority of my weight was my monsterous head...when you run head first unintentionally, you know something's not proportional...but I grew into it... Very Happy

*the rice paddies make my feet cold*
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Golly, Poster

granpaturtle wrote:

11 lbs! Shocked HE WAS HUGE! Weston was the largest baby EVER! 11 lbs is a lot of baby to squeeze out. Kim is a tough woman. And what's this 5 ft. umbilical cord stuff? is that true!? that's a long umbilical cord.

i'm now frightened of my favorite band member...

that's shocking on the surface
not so much considering i don't think he's gotten much over that since then.....

"Die Sonne scheint noch" -- Sophie Scholl <3 <3 <3
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when I was being born, they gave my mom an epidural and had an allergic reaction to it, which in turn lead to emergency c-section and my mom going into shock.

I don't even want to think about what could have happened.

guitarfreak217 wrote:
Everyone, listen to Leigh. She knows what's up.

theantrider wrote:
My jaw hurts and I have an ulcer. That's what spending time with Kylee gets you
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Sea Post King

Jeez, that's scary. Shocked
" If we had done as the kings told us five hundred years ago, we should all have been slaves. If we had done as the priest told us, we should all have been idiots. If we had done as the doctors told us, we should all have been dead. We have been saved by disobedience. We have been saved by the splendid thing called independence, and I want to see more of it. I want to see children raised so that they have it." Robert Ingersoll
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twinstar wrote:
I am strong enough in my vegan beliefs to admit to that. Crying or Very sad

How long have you been a vegan? I just started eating vegetarian about a month ago, and I love it. It's tough though, cause I can't convince the wife to do it....she says she loves beef too much.

Being from Iowa and seeing farm cattle being treated horribly (not to mention the disgusting hog lots that litter the state) prompted me to do my part. I don't think I could go vegan, though, that's just hardcore.
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Sea Post King

Vegetarian for 5 years, and vegan for 2 or 3. And I do have to clarify that we do our best to be vegan, but it's basically impossible unless we ate all home made meals from scratch. We do that as often as we can, but we just can't do that all day every day, you know. So I'd say we're probably 90 - 95 percent vegan. And the girls and I are 100 percent vegetarian. I don't think I'll ever eat meat again. There are some really good books out there if you want to research it. I was the first to do it here, and Thomas got ahold of some of my books and it changed his mind, too. (even though the other night he ate chicken fried steak when we went out to eat. He didn't enjoy it as much as he thought he would. He said that these yummy herb patties we eat are way better, and I don't think he has a mind to try it again.)
I couldn't believe the way I felt after changing my eating habits. It's like last year after Thanksgiving, we all totally pigged out on the most delicious food, and then right afterwards we went to the playground to run around. It was so weird to me at first to feel energized after a meal instead of gross or too stuffed or whatever.
So yeah, that's my story. Smile

" If we had done as the kings told us five hundred years ago, we should all have been slaves. If we had done as the priest told us, we should all have been idiots. If we had done as the doctors told us, we should all have been dead. We have been saved by disobedience. We have been saved by the splendid thing called independence, and I want to see more of it. I want to see children raised so that they have it." Robert Ingersoll
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Do you make you own herb patties? If so, do you have a recipe?
If not, where do you buy them?

We don't eat a lot of meat these days anymore either. We haven't for a long time, but, my recent heart surgery has pushed us into juicing, smoothies, veggie burgers, (don't try the veggie hot dogs...plock! Mad )
We are all working out, and trying to eat as healthy as possible.

It gets really hard for them on the road, but, at home, we are trying.

Send me your secrets!

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Vintage Newbie

Kimbrtones wrote:
Do you make you own herb patties? If so, do you have a recipe?
If not, where do you buy them?

We don't eat a lot of meat these days anymore either. We haven't for a long time, but, my recent heart surgery has pushed us into juicing, smoothies, veggie burgers, (don't try the veggie hot dogs...plock! Mad )
We are all working out, and trying to eat as healthy as possible.

It gets really hard for them on the road, but, at home, we are trying.

Send me your secrets!


Juicing? Smoothies? GREATNESS! eating healthy is suprisingly tasty, a whole world of flavors i never knew...

PLOCK! that's gonna me my new word, added to the list with Bah, Gah, mogwai, Bleck, schwag, wonky, wicked, pissah, and shimina

welcome to the no pants club boone
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Sea Post King

Hey, we just have to trade knowledge. You know all about the homebirth/ homeschooling stuff I am just getting into and trying to learn about, and I can help you with the veggie stuff! I will get a bunch of stuff together and email it to you. Smile
" If we had done as the kings told us five hundred years ago, we should all have been slaves. If we had done as the priest told us, we should all have been idiots. If we had done as the doctors told us, we should all have been dead. We have been saved by disobedience. We have been saved by the splendid thing called independence, and I want to see more of it. I want to see children raised so that they have it." Robert Ingersoll
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That would be awesome. Time restraints have sentenced us to eating smoothies made from fresh juice, veggie burgers, (love the Morningstar Fajita ones), and we do the lean pockets, with only 6 or 7 grams of fat.
They do have meat, however.

Eating this way, with exercise has helped us all, but, I would like to find tasty, healthy alternatives to our routine of meals.

Any suggestions would be great.

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Lost at Forum

Lets get it all together and put it in a book and sell it - it will be the Eisley diet! Definitely the new trend in Hollywood - just you wait and see.
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Golly, Poster

Kimbrtones wrote:
don't try the veggie hot dogs...plock! Mad

I tried the Italian sausage ones, pretty nasty and this grilled chicken by Gardenburger was gross too

I can't get into the veggie burger stuff the flavor is kinda........ plock! Wink

I wanna eat healthier but it's hard, I don't eat pork anymore just on the most rarest of occasions and cut back a lot on beef so most of my diet is chicken
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Sea Post King

you guys need to try Boca Burgers.. completely meatless.. couldn't tell the difference, when i was a vegetarian.. mmmmm..
ask her if she still keeps all her kings in the back row?
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Lost at Forum

sendoutSOScalls wrote:
i was only 3 pounds when i was born..i was 2 or three months early too, and i was a twin( if that has anything to do with it). maybe thats why i am so short!! Question Exclamation

you're one tough woman!!!!
hahah Weston in the book of records.....that'd be funny/cool! Very Happy

i was 3 months early... 2 pounds 2 oz... now im almost 6 feet tall (5'10-5'11) and 205 pounds... whodathunkit?

Now I never leave my zone, we're both alone, I'm going home... I wish I'd never seen your face.
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We've tried all that are available around here.
Boca - fair
Gardenburger - fair
Morningstar Farms - 4 stars!

That's our family's verdict. Smile
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