Laughing City
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Sea Post King

How do your friends react when you introduce them to EISLEY's music?, and how often do you introduce them to someone new?


We've been bad about introducing Eisley's music to others and are going to try to improve on that. I would, however, estimate that I speak favorably of Eisley and encourage others to seek out the EPs (which are available in Austin) something like 1-2 new people per 2-3 weeks. I will, however, change that and try to carry around my Eisley CDs so that I can play them for people to back up what I'm saying.

If it helps, though... we can give you our introduction to Eisley, our initial reactions, why we felt that way and what it was that made us people who bought the EPs, will buy the Full Length, and make an effort to pay to see Eisley play when they are on tour.

Descriptions from the exact moment that hooked my girlfriend and I on Eisley and our reactions to being introduced to Eisley's music:

Telescope Eyes. Frank Erwin Center. Opening for Coldplay.

We were talking away and ignoring "that opening act" but Telescope Eyes stopped us cold. By the time they got to "I can't be seen with you", we had stopped in mid-sentence. At the end of that verse:

You humor me today / Calling me out to play
With your telescope eyes, metal teeth / I can’t be seen with you

...we looked at each other and went: "God gosh, who *are* these guys?!?"

When the chorus kicked in so hard after the quiet verses we actually looked at each other and went: "Um... WOW! They're incredible." Once hooked, the following songs clinched it for these reasons:

-Tree Tops
Specifically because its *not* like other stuff that's out there.

-I Wasn't Prepared
Outright beautiful song. Haunting and almost siren-like in its ability to draw you in.

-Mr. Pine
Bar none, my favorite Eisley song. I've listened to it probably something on the order of 100 times and that chorus still makes me draw a gasp everytime I hear it. When they get all soft and then slam into that chord progression of C -> C -> A -> F (I think that's right... don't know the dim/sus/minor or whatever, but that seems to be the right bass line) it gives me chills to this day. When they got to Mr. Pine it was the moment that motivated me to get out of my seat and go seek out the merch table. Given the fact that you have a thread in the Old News and Announcements section:

Eisley Forum Index -> Old News and Announcements -> RECORDING OF MR. PINE

I would assume that a lot of other people were asking about Mr. Pine at one time. Its a heck of a song and definitely an attention grabber.

As for your thoughts about lyrics and such:

Does EISLEY just really suck and all of you are being nice? Do they need to write things like, "Didja think I was gonna give it up to you...this ti-ee-yi-ee-yime"?

There's a fine line between wanting to sound like what's popular and sells, and being different. In my opinion, you have to be at least a bit different. That's what hooks people. Eisley sounds enough like pop/rock music in general... you couldn't expect people to like them if they played dischordant and ugly sounding music, but their strength is their difference. Its all about supply and demand. Eisley sings about ice castles and sea kings and dragons. If I want a dose of "Didja think I was gonna give it up to you", I have tons of other avenues to get that from. Eisley is worth so much more because they aren't that. If diamonds were as common as road gravel, they wouldn't be worth anything.

Shoot that at anyone who wants to try to change Eisley into something different. I hope they'll at least give you the first album the way Eisley already is and give it a really good marketing push to see if the public will eat it up. I'm biased, so of course I think so.

My demographics:
34 Year Old Male
Austin, Texas, USA
Other artists that I like for comparison:
The Police (my favorite)
Talking Heads
The Beautiful South (older stuff from the 1st 3 albums... more like when they had just reformed after being The Housemartins)
The Housemartins (see above)
Ben Folds
Echo And The Bunnymen

27 Year Old Female
Austin, Texas USA
Other artists that she likes for comparison:
Sarah McLaughlin (her favorite)
John Mayer
David Gray
(Anything folk / Texas acoustic (107.1 KGSR-Austin-style) like (especially female singer driven)... such as:)
Patty Griffin
Shawn Colvin
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Sea Post King

I have at least introduced Eisley to everyone one of my buddies. The only thing is most of my buddies are high school jocks, like me. So if it's not "thug rap" they usually won't give it a try. To my surprise though, a few of them have told me they liked it, not enough to want the buy the EP's, but enough to enjoy it when they hear it. Most of my friends who are girls have about the same reaction except for 2 who did go out and buy the EP's. To me that all meant that I am surrounded by confused teenagers trying to fit into a cool image, but even they can appreciate Eisleys awesome music.

Stewie: Hey, mother, I come bearing a gift. I'll give you a hint. It's in my diaper and it's not a toaster.
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Sea Post King

I'm a little late in responding to this.....

You're kidding right? When you say upper peeps I'm assuming you are talking about label executives. Well I obviously don't know the extent of the resistance the band is facing from WB, but I'm constantly surprised at how "upper peeps" can pretend they know what works best in the context of art.

My friends are already weary of my fascination with music so I try not to shove my music down their throats. Smile But, I told some friends of mine from work to check out the "opening act" when they saw Coldplay. They said Eisley did very well. Most of my closer friends already know about Eisley and found out about them around the time that I did. I have promoted and discussed Eisley on other message boards before. I get more positive reactions then negative.

I don't think Eisley are going to appeal to most of the hipster crowd that listens exclusively to bands like Spoon, Guided By Voices, The New Pornographers, The Wrens, Modest Mouse (before they sold out blah blah), etc. But I think Eisley are the next logical transition from the young singer songwriters that exist today. I think the teen/young adults will relate to their music in the sense that they see a bunch of cute girls that have a "cool sound" and cryptic lyrics that do not resemble Hilary Duff or Avril Lavigne. The fact that they are easy on the eyes will certainly help. Meanwhile, the younger kids with more mature musical tastes and just the over 25 crowd in general such as myself will appreciate the fresh and inventive songwriting. I don't know why the "upper peeps" would have anything critical to say about their songs. It doesn't make sense to ask a band like Eisley for a formulaic by numbers radio single. For starters, I've heard some of the newer Eisley songs in concert and I thought there were some that can be instantly likeable even to the most impatient listener. I wish I could give some sort of assurance that Eisley will be embraced. But it's really hard to say with the way things are in the music biz. I see great bands slip under the cracks on a consistent basis. But one thing I've noticed about Eisley that seems to separate them from others is the momentum they have built up and that people seem to want to like them. I see articles on them everywhere, and they don't even have a proper album or a hit single yet. We've all seen the mixed reviews of Eisley's records. But it's very rare that an artist has all positive reviews. I just think they just need to develop thick skin, believe that what they are doing is genuine and true to themselves, not worry about the naysayers, and tour tour tour.....

Generally speaking, I think record labels really underestimate the music buying public's tastes. If you want a run of the mill radio band - then sign one. Don't sign artists concerned with artistic freedom and integrity if you're just going to try and mold them into this temporary cash cow. Coldplay of all people handpicked Eisley as their opening act. That alone speaks volumes. And look at this message board! How many "unfamous" bands can claim to have a message board with as many visitors as this one?

If only Eisley were in the position to tell WB what Trent Reznor from NIN told Interscope when he first signed with them. He basically walked in with a gold record under his belt saying something along the lines of "I'll give you singles. I'll give you videos. But NIN is my project. I don't want people walking into my recording sessions telling me what works and what doesn't. I don't want A&R. I don't want your help." (or maybe I shouldn't be suggesting stuff like this at the risk that WB folk actually read this stuff Shocked )

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Golly, Poster

I tell people about Eisley whenever I get the chance. Their ep's make great gifts as well. I wear my Eisley, "Tea Time" shirt proudly, and I am prepared to inform the uninformed of their timeless music. I figure if I tell one person, they will in turn tell others.
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Golly, Poster

I have introduced Eisley to ALLo f my friends and one of them don't like Esiely...(so tragic) and yeah.....I think it is good that Eisley should get more lovers and worshipers but then their shows will be so full and lines and traffic...Id rather have it small and eay to get to them and hear such lovely music....but then again.....if people like them so much taht they WOULD wait in traffic to see them...then that shows that Eisley really isa great band...I know I WOULD stay in traffic to see them but It would be so cool to not have

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Sea Post King

i don't know, i don't have many friends.
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Golly, Poster

Yes I do tell people. I tell people who are far away. As a matter of fact this weekend my friend from the Houston Area {dickinson} was talking about music and all and I said "You should go check out Eisley and Snow Patrol, they are coming to Houston in the fall." and then I told her to go to the site. And she was like Shocked Oh My, they are good. LOL So yea, that was her away message for sometime. For people to IM me and explain to them the awesomeness of Eisley.

This is the smiley face that explains the awesomeness of them. Cool

That face is the Mack Daddy of coolness Cool Cool Cool
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Sea Post King

My sister loves them, they are one of our bands many influences, my friends have mixed feelings, as do my coworkers, either people love them, or think they are weird... like Radiohead
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Sea Post King

i've noticed that if i just play one of eisley's eps without saying much about them, people are intrigued. on the other hand if i rave about them first, they're not as interested.
i guess the music speaks for itself so i will continue to play it for people and brainwash them into loving it as much as i do.

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Protocol Droid

emotional_knapsack wrote:
i've noticed that if i just play one of eisley's eps without saying much about them, people are intrigued. on the other hand if i rave about them first, they're not as interested.
i guess the music speaks for itself so i will continue to play it for people and brainwash them into loving it as much as i do.

People have this rebellion against things they are supposed to like. I'm sort of like that, too. But I realize it's a stupid reaction, so I still give it a listen. Good idea just putting it on first, though.


You can't spell awesome without emo...backwards! -Julie
definingawesome (11:44:11 PM): Eisley shivers our timbers
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jane doe
Sea Post King

when i told my friends they give me blank stares. but they're more Metallica people. which isn't a bad thing cuz metallica kicks a**. but most people have no idea what i'm talking about. they're loss Rolling Eyes
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