Laughing City
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Sea Post King

Chauntelle is the coolest 23 year old in Eisley.

And I love her voice. It would be nice if she would sing more.



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Sea Post King

chauntelle is one of the sweetest ladies ever.

and we have a lot of the same shirts.

mmmmm babypuffs.
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Vintage Newbie

Chauntelle is very much a talented guitarist. Very good tone. Very good ear. Very good technique.
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Vintage Newbie

I think everyone here is right about Chauntelle. She is very pretty and sweet and talented and a very good dresser and she has a pretty name. I like saying her name. It feels good.

I have an observation that I would like to put forth. Unless I am wrong, Chauntelle is widely seen as the most talkative member of the band. I have an idea why this might be the case. We never get to hear her sing. As a long-time karaoke buff, I know how strenuous singing can be on one's voice. Also, I remember seeing a documentary about a band during which they lead singer stated that he didn't talk much before shows to conserve his voice, but fans that came backstage thought he was being asocial. It may be that the other girls are tired of using their voices, and that is why they do not speak as much as the lovely Chauntelle.

Just a thought.


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Sea Post King

chauntelle is awesome!! Very Happy

Sometimes someone says something really small, and it just fits in this empty place in your heart.
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Sea Post King

I love how she always seems to be having a great time onstage. That can't be easy, because we know from Boyd's posts how many things do go wrong during the performance.
Absolutely professional, and a joy to behold. I always wonder if she is singing out loud or just mouthing the words on stage?

And I want to hear some extended gtr soloing on the next Eisley cd. That's all I'm sayin'.

"If those are my last words, I can do better."
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Appreciation for Chauntelle being outgoing, giving me the setlist, remembering me, and just being so gosh darn nice.... Very Happy
I, johnTHOMY, Rock!!!
Synthony also brings the jams...
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unclearlies wrote:
Appreciation for Chauntelle being outgoing, giving me the setlist, remembering me, and just being so gosh darn nice.... Very Happy

yeea....that sounds cool....
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Golly, Poster

she talked to me for a while after the HOB show when they toured with NFG. super cool. and nice of course.
hello. my name is jackie. don't worry if you don't know me. i mostly lurk.
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Golly, Poster

Well, Chauntelle is veeeeeeeeeeeery talented, she's a kick cass guitar player that's for sure! And she's soooooooooo pretty! We love you Chauntelle!
Don't you let them tell you you're an ugly child. They are blind to the beauty that lies within
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Sea Post King

I just had to bump this. I was going to make a thread like this a while back but never got to it, so I guess I'll just put everything I had in here. I had looked back on past threads, so this is all from board members (hope you guys don't mind) and a few from other places. here goes... note: this will probably be long, so... yeah. I'm sorry.

"She's the nicest, most genuine person to walk the earth." -twinstar
"She has to be one of the nicest people I've ever met." -MoreOfTheSame
"I think she's amazing, but I guess it doesn't count if I say it... still, she's more amazing than anyone really knows... as a person. Forget the rock thing. That doesn't really count either." -boyd
"Chauntelle is amazing--and this is just from my experience of the 20 minutes total Will and I spent talking to her at the San Diego and L.A. shows... She's one of the most genuine, caring people I have ever met, and it just amazed me and made those nights that much more amazing. I think we had smiles on our faces for the next couple days because it was just an amazing experience. I can't imagine how I would feel to sit down and have an actual conversation [with her]... it'd blow me away for sure. It's just the greatest feeling in the world to meet kind and genuine people." -berlies_
"Chauntelle is one of the coolest people I've ever talked to... she seems to be a very, very kind person... I did remember to compliment [her] on 'Pretender' and recommend that she not give up writing... it's just that... man, 'Pretender' is lyrically my favorite Eisley song... and to know that she wrote it and doesn't think that she's good enough to write for the band kinda hurts my heart..." -Schizorage
"Yeah... mine too. Crying or Very sad " -Kimbrtones
"Chauntelle is my hero. A much better hero than that lame ol' Captain America." -rmlawrence
"Chauntelle is good to have in the band because she is nicer than everyone else and she keeps us all on our toes and in-line." -sherri [ bio]
"The first time I saw them play at the Rev Room I was convinced that I was in love with Chauntelle." -Whisper
"So I just saw Eisley for the first time in DC... and I think I'm in love with Chauntelle." -KarmaPolice
"That happens a lot." -ew
"Yeah... you and the other 453,291,450 guys... get in line buddy! (I'm number 342,394,232 by the way...)" -bathwater_m
"Chauntelle is freaking awesome... one of my favorite guitarists and an inspiration to me and probably others." -cheated heart
"Chauntelle is so awesome." -giant_
"Chauntelle seriously is my favorite person right now!" -reflectedxglory
"Chauntelle is the sweetest girl ever." -Sabrina
"We Eisley fanatics love us our Chauntelle... cheek-pinchingly adorable..." -granpaturtle
"Chauntelle is so pretty." -dont_panic
"Chauntelle looks absolutely beautiful (because she is)." -loveisachemical
"I got autographs and Chauntelle was SUCH a sweet girl! She gave me two hugs (on one I banged my head on hers Laughing ) and it was just marvelous!" -Telescope_I-s
"Agreed Chauntelle is a doll. Smile More of an angel but she's cool." -cmo
"Chauntelle is the cutest... and awesome beyond the telling... I as well am a huge Chauntelle fan, and I look forward to seeing her again in a month or two." -granpaturtle
"Chauntelle is The Nicest Person in the World. ™ Serious." -TheAntrider
"I second that." -Pantheon4
"That is way too true." -electric_toes
"I third that." -akira-takahashi
"She IS!" -ImmoralImmortal
"Chauntelle gets the nicest, sweetest, bestest girl ever award." -musicislove
"I'm not just being cheesy when I say I'm amazingly blessed to have an older sister as amazing as you." -sherri
"Gorgeous as ever. It's always good to see Chauntelle by a microphone. Can we say... 'angelic'." -Ihadanepiphany
"All I see is the same old beautiful Chauntelle... she's so cute. Smile " -Super_Dave
"Most of us on our best day wouldn't look as good as Chauntelle on her worst." -ali
"She's adorable hehehe... okay yes I met her in person and she's cool. Hence why I say she's adorable." -cmo
"You wanna know something Chauntelle... you're one of the most genuine people I know. Thanks for being you. You're a friend. And an inspiration. Praying for you and thinking of you while you're on tour." -Do_i_know_ME [xanga]
"Chauntelle, thank you for being so outgoing on the tour. Your words echo deep with your fans as you can see, and I only wish you and yous the best. Have a happy, safe, joyous rest of your tour. We all love you very much." -dire_dreams [xanga]

and just for kicks, some examples of what Chauntelle has had to say to the fans:

"I just wanted to give a shout out to everyone on here and say that I love and appreciate each and every one of you so much!!! I'm sorry that I can't answer all of your e-mails that often!!! You're all so encouraging and supportive, it's really incredible!!! I cannot thank you enough for what you do for us!!! You truly are the greatest fans that a band could ever have!!!
I hope to see and meet more of you on this next tour!!!" [all caps, but I didn't want to yell. haha.]
"You're all so sweet! I love you all so much!"
"I love each and every one of you!!!!" [all caps again]
"I apologize if I've offended anyone by not replying sooner. You're all so sweet to show me that you care! God bless you all!"
"You're all so amazing!"
"I love yous!"
"I love you!"
"I love you all."
"I love everybody!"
"I love everyone!"
"I love you all!"
"Love you!"
"Love you people!"
"I love you guys!"
"I love each and every one of you."
"All you need is love, Chauntelle"

so basically I think it's safe to say that we all appreciate Chauntelle very much, and that she loves each and every one of us. haha. I just thought that it was important to just put all of those quotes together (even if she never sees it), because it's a shame that she seems to be so hard on herself sometimes and doesn't think she's good enough to write or sing... or even play the guitar. "I don't think I play very good. Laughing " -studio clip from but, I think it's also safe to say that she's amazing at all three, and at anything else she sets her heart to do. never have I met or known anyone so incredibly beautiful and genuine on both the inside and out. okay... I'm done.

[looking at inside of marvelous things ep] chauntelle: "I haven't seen this in so long... I can't believe I wore that."
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Golly, Poster

i agree completely...the first time i heard her play my jaw hit the floor...well it would have if it werent for the desk between them...and it happend again when i heard her in pretender...she is an amazing person...who has no reason to be hard on herself...she is better then anyone could ask for...and we all love herfor it!!..well ive put in my 2 cents im done...for now!! Love Love Love Love
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Sea Post King

Chauntelle is awesome.

That's a picture a friend took for me. She couldn't go to an Elms concert I was going to so I got a memeber of the band to hold up a sign for her. She then repaid me when she went to an Eisley concert.

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There is no alpha or omega.
Only Chauntelle.

Chauntelle could probably find the, uh, yeah if you asked her to, she could find the lost city of Atlantis. You'd probably have to give her SCUBA gear though.

Yeah, I think she'd need SCUBA gear.
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Vintage Newbie

JBaker wrote:
There is no alpha or omega.
Only Chauntelle.

Chauntelle could probably find the, uh, yeah if you asked her to, she could find the lost city of Atlantis. You'd probably have to give her SCUBA gear though.

Yeah, I think she'd need SCUBA gear.

NO! wrong again! i can't believe i have to school you noobs so much

CHauntelle CAN breath underwater, the rumors are true, and she also has an exo-skeleton that resists deep water pressures...


welcome to the no pants club boone
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