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Are you a midnight (or any other time) toker?
Marijuana smoke has never entered my lungs.
 38%  [ 10 ]
I've tried it once or twice.
 23%  [ 6 ]
I used to, but not anymore.
 15%  [ 4 ]
I'm an occasional social smoker.
 23%  [ 6 ]
Total Votes : 26

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Vintage Newbie

Do you smoke it? The Best Coast and them being smokers discussion got me curious if any Eisley fans partake. I'm sure if there are any it's a small percentage, haha. We seem like a pretty innocent bunch for the most part. Laughing I'll be honest and say that I do from time to time. I don't ever buy my own or smoke it alone, but I have friends that smoke and sometimes, yeah, it just sounds good. I'm talking once or twice a month, maybe. And then I'll go like 6 months without smoking at all. It's certainly not something I need.

So, you don't have to tell your story and reveal to all of us if you do or don't, unless you want to, but please leave your vote in the poll. I'm just curious. As far as I know those polls are completely anonymous and there's no way anyone will know what you voted.

And a little disclaimer... I'm NOT advocating it. I think it's a personal choice on whether or not you can be responsible about it or let it get out of control. It's the same with alcohol or any other substance or activity that people have trouble using in moderation and tend to abuse. Mods, if you feel this is an inappropriate topic please delete it.

EDIT: Well, I had a 5th option for "I smoke it every day" but it won't let me add it for some reason, not even on edit mode. So, if you smoke it a lot just lump yourself in with the occasional smoker group.
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Vintage Newbie

Never smoked but probably got my share of contact highs, courtesy of my stoner friends who would plot to get me high even if i didn't dig on smokin'.

Once the got one hitters they didn't seem as motivated to smoke me out.

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Where's the 4/20 / 24/7 option?! Laughing

Since marijuana (pejorative) isn't addictive, I can take it or leave it. But I've been taking it lately. Just kidding if any of you are narcs.

And it's not the same as alcohol or most other substances in terms of overall danger. Alcohol is actually the worst:
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Vintage Newbie

tahruh wrote:
Where's the 4/20 / 24/7 option?! Laughing

Since marijuana (pejorative) isn't addictive, I can take it or leave it. But I've been taking it lately. Just kidding if any of you are narcs.

And it's not the same as alcohol or most other substances in terms of overall danger. Alcohol is actually the worst:

I agree with you on level of danger. But at the same time, I hate that my younger brother and sister both smoke (heavily), so I guess I'm a hypocrite. They don't know that I occasionally partake, though. I'd feel like a terrible older brother if they did. And I tried to get the every day option in there! I don't know why it would't work.

I really think it should be legalized, taxed, and regulated. Make it a 21+ thing just like alcohol. Make it illegal to drive while under the influence, etc. It would make it harder for kids to get, and law enforcement could focus more on keeping it out of the hands of kids rather than keeping it out of the hands of anyone. Like they even really do that...
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Vintage Newbie

uncreative wrote:
Make it illegal to drive while under the influence, etc.

It would make it harder for kids to get, and law enforcement could focus more on keeping it out of the hands of kids rather than keeping it out of the hands of anyone. Like they even really do that...

So... You know it's a DUI to drive high? So that part is covered.

That last part though, it varies with neighborhoods but yeah, so true.

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I think it should be legal. I have partaken, (or is it "partook"?) but I don't any more. I just can't relax, so it's never been enjoyable.

I think legalizing it would be a win/win for everyone.

My sweet sister-in-law says she worries about her kids thinking it's okay because it's legal. I told her they're going to try it one day anyways, most likely. They may as well get it from a clean source. She didn't like that, not one bit.

It's a touchy subject.

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mr pine
Vintage Newbie

this may seem odd for some to hear, but i have tried pot once. couldnt inhale.
but i really wanted to try it. still do i guess.

i am also for the legalizing and taxing of it. it is not a harmful drug outside of being lazy and eating ding dongs.

it would certianly free up prisons (at least a little).

amsterdam shows up that legalizing marijuana is not a bad thing, from what i can tell atleast. pot heads arent running around causing havok in the streets.

Wil's excellent description of me.

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Vintage Newbie

I've never smoked anything myself, but... The survey doesn't say smoke, it says never been in your lungs, so contact & 2nd hand smoke counts.
yup, that's my name.

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I've smoked on occasion, and it's something I enjoy sometimes. I'm among the people who believes it should be legal. Hey, it's less likely to kill you than normal cigarettes and much more enjoyable.

That being said, it's not like it's something I do ritualistically. And I never buy it myself. The only times I've ever done it are when I'm at a party or hanging out with a group of friends who have some and offer it. And even then, I don't take it every time. It's just kinda one of those things that comes with being a college student, I guess.

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mr pine
Vintage Newbie

Wil's excellent description of me.

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Vintage Newbie

uncreative wrote:
tahruh wrote:
Where's the 4/20 / 24/7 option?! Laughing

Since marijuana (pejorative) isn't addictive, I can take it or leave it. But I've been taking it lately. Just kidding if any of you are narcs.

And it's not the same as alcohol or most other substances in terms of overall danger. Alcohol is actually the worst:

I agree with you on level of danger. But at the same time, I hate that my younger brother and sister both smoke (heavily), so I guess I'm a hypocrite. They don't know that I occasionally partake, though. I'd feel like a terrible older brother if they did. And I tried to get the every day option in there! I don't know why it would't work.

I really think it should be legalized, taxed, and regulated. Make it a 21+ thing just like alcohol. Make it illegal to drive while under the influence, etc. It would make it harder for kids to get, and law enforcement could focus more on keeping it out of the hands of kids rather than keeping it out of the hands of anyone. Like they even really do that...
I found out last week that all of my dad's siblings (and there's a lot of them) and their spouses are moderate stoners. I knew 2 of them were, and assumed a few of them were at one point, but I guess the idea of an extremely right-wing, family-oriented insurance exec. getting stoned with his soccer mom wife really caught me off guard (even though he went to ASU and eventually transfered back to an east coast school with something like 9 credits...after a few years). Laughing So yeah, the older generation has gone to great lengths to hide it from the younger here, but it hasn't helped much. It (pot) also doesn't seem to have hurt much, either. The whole stoner = gorging lazybones cliche is kind of tired.

And I don't smoke pot every day, but if it was legal I'd probably smoke it more frequently since it helps my AD[formerly H]D tremendously. Driving under the influence of it is nothing like alcohol, either, but I'd take such a clause considering how many people are rotting in jail for selling and/or growing plants/plant matter. As for the age, 18 seems more appropriate. Alcohol should be 18, as well.

As for Amsterdam, the Netherlands have the right model for everything.

People with contact highs are fun to observe.
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Last edited by tahruh on Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Vintage Newbie

Legalize it.
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Vintage Newbie

Joke one: well if eisley wants to make some side money
They just need to go the Half Baked route & sell to the lcer's at shows & mailorder. Thy could do art on rolling papers.

joke two: you all are the reason it's never cool to be the only black guy at a college party. Peoplewho don't usually buy assume you're sellin'. Yup. Know a guy who sold ome kitchen herbs at a party out of spite.


For real

tahruh wrote:

People with contact highs are fun to observe.

the ones who think they're getting high, or the one's who swear they aren't? Are you high or sober, or getting a contact yourself at the time... Aka huh???

Most of my stoner buddies are doing well for themselves, but it's cause they were doing it in college, not in their working class hometowns where they could get into beefs with cops & pricks, and be stuck in the rut of their lives there. None of them moved back home and all have struggled with seeing their friends who stayed getting caught up in crime! Locked up, or dying. Our circle looked like Bloc Party, very diverse, so it wasn't all a race thing.

Most all of them regret having gotten so unfocused & leeting their habit determine where they could work & the company they could keep. One of their buddies got dagnosed with cannibus dependency by the stateof IL so don't know about this whole non addipctive thing,
Maybe less, but not non.

Ipad, no flash, no spellcheck, go easy on me.

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Last edited by wilsmith on Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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mr pine
Vintage Newbie

i have had contact highs a few times. i had friends that smoked alot and i didnt care if they did it around me. i enjoy the smell honestly. its quite pleasant.
Wil's excellent description of me.

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Golly, Poster

Honestly, I'm not even sure I know what pot smells like.

I'm one of those weird exceptions to the rule I guess. I've never smoked anything, or even had alcohol (I'm almost 20 if that makes any difference to you). Heck, I've never even seen someone drinking at college.

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