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Vintage Newbie

candicei wrote:
That was quick! I'm in the middle of uploading my vids now, but I might not be done before I have to get ready for tonight. At least there'll be even more goodies to look forward to! Very Happy

Hey your pic with them looks really good. I look like such a doof in mine..

were you the girl who turned up around the same time as me? you got like dropped off out the front of skinnys and wandered around the shop (*same as me) for ages before the band arrived
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Sea Post King

Alrighty, I just got back from the Brisbane show.. but I'll leave that for another post. Probably in the morning once I have my stuff sorted.

I actually got there pretty early at 11. It was kinda freaky really cos' I was listening to Iron On [sweet as Brissie band] on my mp3 player & when I walked in Kate, one of the guitarist/vocalists for the band was working there. Such a bizarre moment. So I walked around the store for yonks looking at CD's.. went & sat down out the back about 11:30. You's were all standing & so I sat on the floor & then everyone else did too.. I love spreading the floor love Wink

Ok, I took vid clips of each song. It's only on my digi cam so the quality aint that great & I can only take 60 second clips.. but better than nothing right?

01. Memories
02. Marvelous Things
03. Golly Sandra
04. I Wasn't Prepared
05. Like The Actors
06. Sea King
07. Telescope Eyes
08. Many Funerals: Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3 + end of show

And peectures:

Phew.. sorry about the overload.. but yes, excitement much. Ha, poor Boyd, he was actually eating his lunch while they were playing & he was twiddling.. that's dedication for you!

It was good to actually meet other proper Eisley fans. It's hard enough to come by someone who actually doesn't mind me playing it to them, let alone someone who is actually a fan. I remember you Memily, you were wearing the bright yellow shoes, lol Smile I agree with Reanon, your group pic is the best!

Hmm.. what else.. I asked Chauntelle if she would be singing on the next album & she said maybe.. if she can improve her confidence. Singing on the album would equal singing live. I hope she does! They really are so nice and easygoing. While I was getting stuff signed Stacy sticks out her hand and says, "I'm Stacy!" Heh..

Poor guys, I had a go at them [well Sherri] for saying koala bears.. me opening my big mouth.. at least now they know they're not bears! They can go home & tell everyone that they saw koalas. full stop.

Demolition_lover900: which one were you? Glad you're digging them as much as us Very Happy

Reanon: if you'd like the clips I took at the Tegan & Sara concert last month, you can find them here..

homesick_alien: Well.. not dropped off, I bussed it & was hanging out in Borders before I came up to Skinny's.. but yes, that was me! Hey I saw you at the Taking Back Sunday show too! Huzzah, your pictures are so purty.. but I guess they'd wanna be considering that thing you had to lug around eh Wink
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Last edited by candicei on Sat Mar 18, 2006 1:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Vintage Newbie

wow,I'm recognising all of you now when I see these photos
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Sea Post King

Haha yep those were my bright yellow shoes! Most comfortable shoes in the world. I converted my friend Pete into an Eisley fan! He was the dude with me. I made him listen to Room Noises when I first got it but then he forgot to get a copy off me. Luckily he's a big music fan and pretty much invited himself along this morning, then spent the whole rest of the day preaching about how lovely they were! Hooray!

Awesome photos and I'm looking forward to the clips too. I took an okay quality vid clip of a minute's worth of I Wasn't Prepared, maybe I should upload!

It is totally awesome to know there are other overenthusiastic Eisley fans in Brisbane, true. Maybe if we get a big enough crowd we can get them to come back relatively soon.....

HAHAHA I TOTALLY CRACKED UP WHEN YOU BAGGED SHERRI ABOUT KOALA BEARS. "Is that just a thing that stupid Americans say?" "YEP." Laughing

So jealous you like TBS enough to have had a ticket for the gig. SO jealous. I hope they were rockin' tonight and that the crowd appreciated them!
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The crowd gave eisley a pretty good reception tonight at the TBS show.Sherri was funny,she was about to thank the getaway plan and TBS when some moron threw something on stage so she said sarcastically "thanks....for throwing stuff" Laughing

and here is another pic...or two


chauntelle at the arena
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Sea Post King

memily wrote:
So jealous you like TBS enough to have had a ticket for the gig. SO jealous. I hope they were rockin' tonight and that the crowd appreciated them!

I actually don't particularly like TBS. But I had to see Eisley (this was before I knew about the instore), so I got a ticket off ebay!

I didn't even stay for TBS.. Laughing
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Vintage Newbie

candicei wrote:

I didn't even stay for TBS.. Laughing

I saw half the set,the crowd was really energetic but they gave me a headache so bad
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Last edited by homesick_alien on Sat Mar 18, 2006 2:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Vintage Newbie

holy crap those videos are awesome Shocked Cool
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Sea Post King

memily: I thought maybe that nick had something to do with the name Emily.. but your name is really Thess?
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Sea Post King

homesick_alien wrote:
holy crap those videos are awesome Shocked Cool

Thanks Paul Exclamation
I'll have some from the show up tomorrow morning sometime as well..
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Vintage Newbie

candicei wrote:
homesick_alien: Well.. not dropped off, I bussed it & was hanging out in Borders before I came up to Skinny's.. but yes, that was me! Hey I saw you at the Taking Back Sunday show too! Huzzah, your pictures are so purty.. but I guess they'd wanna be considering that thing you had to lug around eh Wink

I only just saw this haha

I was thinking of someone else when I posted that earlier but I recognised you as soon as I saw your pic on here,I didn't realise it was you who said about the koala though Laughing...I liked sherri's response "well it looks like a bear" haha

You saw me at the TBS show? I didn't see you there,I was kinda in a daze by that point, were you on the balcony on the left hand side too? in a group of girls who were screaming after every track?Lot's of photo flashes came from that group as well so maybe it was you.I had some drunk girls next to me asking how I snuck my camera in Laughing
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Sea Post King

woowww... u guys are quick.. i just got back from the concert...

i stayed around in the city after the instore... saw the band a couple more times lol....

i was the guy behind you paul.. lol

and nice meeting you Em... it was very good....

right now.. im tired as hell.... but ive got a story to write about my wonderous day.. ill do that sooon..
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Sea Post King

candicei wrote:
memily: I thought maybe that nick had something to do with the name Emily.. but your name is really Thess?

Nah, it's Emily but I get abusive if people call me that... I've been called Mem for freakin' years now. Thess is like my online moniker. When I first got online it was my chat name and then when I first got a livejournal it was the name all the lj kids called me. I thought about going deed poll but I'm happy to be Mem these days. Very Happy
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Sea Post King

rodstar51 wrote:
and nice meeting you Em... it was very good....

Haha yeah you too! We were all so damn excited, it was awesome. The band is right when they say we're super friendly. We'll all have to meet up when they tour, be all cliquey. Wink
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Sea Post King

zomg i've only been out of the house for.... *checks watch* hmm ok 6 hours, but dude! you have all posted so much!!!!!!

i agree with whoever said its great to meet other eisley fans. the girl who actually introduced me to eisley said she could only stand listening to a couple of songs before their voices grated on her nerves *btw i have slapped her HARD many times for that comment, since falling in love with eisley*
but that's the closest i've had to another eisley fan. i shared a couple of my favourite songs with a few friends but none have jumped on board the eisley train. MEH their loss!!!!! i converted all my friends to tegan and sara, i can surely convert them to the way of EISLEY with a little more effort.

ergh sorry its been a long night and i've had a bit to drink and now i'm rambling.

candice, your videos rock! i will so put up mine tomorrow tho they aren't as good. BAHAHAHAH your last video includes me finally working up the courage to talk to you and ask if you're sharing your videos. i thought you had finished by that stage, but obviuosly you hadn't. oh dear. sorry!!!

ps - non eisley talk, i clicked your profile and wow you have a website. heheh cool, me too! doesn't everyone? you said somewhere you like cutting your own hair. do you ever do other people? **edited out the drunk babble**

paul- ooh i know who you are! you got mentioned as their first australian fan. looking at your post count i can totally see why! how did you first discover eisley?

edited- i totally got goosebumps during marvelous things and i wasn't prepared. the girls voices were just so beautiful and haunting. i wanted to tell them that but just babbled when i got to speak to them. so if any dupree family member reads this, please pass on the message.

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