Laughing City
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Golly, Poster

pzykotic wrote:
I asked Weston to sign it as Damien Rice. Gotta be worth somethin, right? Wink

hahahahaha Laughing

'Can I rely on you when all the songs are through' - Guy Garvey

'It's never over, shes the tear that hangs inside my soul forever.' - Jeff Buckley
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Sea Post King

Amazing. That's all I can say to explain this show in one word. It was my first concert, nonetheless seeing Eisley for the first time. We got lost on our way up there, but we got there and thats all that matters. We got there after Richard Swift had finished his set. We hung around, and I bought lots of stuff from Kim (Very Happy) I saw Chauntelle running around everywhere and got her autograph, then I saw Weston about to go set up his drums so I got his autograph. When Eisley came on I felt so good. I was just so happy, the smile never left my face. I took lots of pictures, which I would post if my digital camera wan't being mean to me. When the show was over, I was in complete awe, part of me was like "Does it have to be over?" but I was just happy I made the show. The songs were great. 'Sun Feet' and 'They All Surrounded Me' are so great. I'd never heard 'Mr. Pine' and now thats an immediete favorite. After the show I got Sherri, Stacey, and Jonathans autograph and got to take a picture with all of them! It was so completley awesome. This show has definitely changed my life, and for that I thank you Eisley. I thank you so much.
"Maybe Stacy doesn't smile because her face is made out of plaster. But hey, who am I to judge?" -Sherri Kay Dupree.
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Lost at Forum

I've been a fan for about a year, but after the shows I decided to register and get more involved.

My boyfriend Will and I decided to make an adventure out of the Eisley shows and drive down to San Diego on Friday and then go see them again at the Troub on Saturday. It was definitely a good plan - also gave a chance for more of our friends to go.

Fridays show was really fun. Will and I got to talk to Chauntelle out in the lobby for awhile and got to see her daughter Kayla who is super adorable.

The show was really good - especially since this was my first time seeing them up close and in a small venue (they looked like ants at the hollywood bowl)

We stood over by Sherri who has cool hair now and got some cool pictures. After the show we took a picture of Eisley and this boy nathan who didnt have a camera (I think they were the only ones from Texas there) and also took one of them with us.

We got back into LA the next morning around 10:30 and headed over to the Troubador around 5. Ended up being second in line which was good. We walked over to Starbucks. I got a new Caffe Vanilla Frappacuino and Will got a Strawberry and Creme Frappacuino. But ya, the concert was simply amazing. There was so much energy this time and it sounded so good. We got to talk to Chauntelle again before their set and got to talk to John afterwards, took a picture with him, and then took a picture with Sherri, Stacy, and Wes, and then ran into Chauntelle again on our way out and took another picture with her.

We took a bunch of pictures at both shows. I'll put them up and put up a link soon. They are so good - they made me so happy.

Will and I were so tempted to drive up to San Francisco - but being college students our budget was limited. I can't wait for them to play again - or just be able to see them again. They are just so friendly I wish I could see them more often.

When I went to leave I saw that my car was missing from the spot I left it. It had gotten towed. LA makes me angry with their parking. I found the sign of the impound lot it was taken to and had a friend to drive me over there. $233 to get it back. So it was kinda a sucky ended to an amazing night - but still a night to remember.

So anyways - if you guys want to invite us for coffee one night - just say and we'll be there, Laughing

Okay - thats all for now, Kimberly
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Sea Post King

i was so glad i got to experience this. i was in awe. man. the show was all time. everything about it was great. i was so glad i got to talk to some people in line. most of the time crowds are uptight. but it was such a nice atmosphere. i was so glad to see the troubador so full. it warms my heart to see all those eisley fans in there. richard swift and annie stela were amazing. i am forever fans of them. eisley was all time marvelous. they play so well and the sound in the troubador is so grand. sherri looked so kool with the neon ear rings. and chauntelle was so kool. it was so aweosme seeing her rock out. she was so into it. and stacy was so super kool neato. i kept making eye contact with her. lol i was right there so there was no way around it. i also was wearing a Bright Hot Pink shirt which maybe added to it. but it felt weird, like i wasnt supposed to be staring. i dont know. i was always taught not to stare, its rude. lol. but being that close how can you not. every songs was brillant and amazing in its own way. i dont think i liked any other more then the next. everyone was fantasic. i thought it was so great and funny when they started off wrong on telescope eyes. all in all i was just so greatfull eisley got to do these shows. it was the only thing i was looking forward too in life lol. now i kan just keep looking forward to every eisley show in cali. after teh show i chated a lil with boyd which was super kool. he was so nice. it took me by surprise by how genuwinely kool he is. boyd is all time. although i didnt get to stay to meet the band. it was an experience i will always rememeber for the rest of my life.
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Sea Post King

Real good show. Real good. Here are my highlights:

- encores.
- the "thank you's" after each song. I'd never seen them live, but the songs were super great and the thank you's were like dessert. kinda adorable.
- the kids dancing in the window upstairs.
- all of the show was a highlight really, now that I think about it.

I'm glad L.A. showed up for the show. hope the Warner execs were as pleased as the crowd.
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the hollow days
Golly, Poster

gudgeFILM wrote:
Real good show. Real good. Here are my highlights:

- encores.
- the "thank you's" after each song. I'd never seen them live, but the songs were super great and the thank you's were like dessert. kinda adorable.
- the kids dancing in the window upstairs.
- all of the show was a highlight really, now that I think about it.

I'm glad L.A. showed up for the show. hope the Warner execs were as pleased as the crowd.

yeah the kids where really cute .. and they say thank alot i noticed that

and i fell in love with the troubador and im so glad it was eisley the first band that i saw there its just a intamiate show

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Vintage Newbie

oh, it was so amazing! the band is still so humble, and the music so wowish when live

---wait...i wasn't there!

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Sea Post King

i just got back from the show at slims and it was AWESOME! it was my third time seeing them and it was the best yet. they played lots of new songs, which were all really good. i want to say thank you to the band cause they were really nice and after the show they came out to the floor and met a bunch of their fans. i was up in the front row singing along with all the songs i knew and just having a great time. the openers were great also and i talked to Annie Stela a little and im excited to get her album when it comes out. and im super excited to get the new eisley when it comes out. the crowd and band both seemed to be having a lot of fun, which is always a good thing to see. i got to meet a few people from the forum also, which was pretty cool. seeing a great show like that makes me wanna perform and make more music sooo bad!

thanks for the great show!

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Sea Post King

just back from the sf show with a quick review.

richard swift: super awesome
annie stela: angelically awesome
eisley: surreally really awesome

i might do a deeper review tomorrow.


Sing away. l l Swing away.
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Sea Post King

The San Francisco show was fabulous. I love that each of the girls says thank you after each song. It's definitely adorable. Sherri's new hair is super rad. Stacy's new hair colour is hot too. Chauntelle wore suspenders.... thus making the band "Suspender Rock." All the new songs were fabulous. The old songs were wonderful. I had a great time. Very Happy
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Sea Post King

Great show! everyone had a good time it seemed. New songs are amazing. I can't wait for Sun Feet and Plenty of Paper to be released, it actually saddens me greatly I wont get to hear either again for a few more months. Mr. Pine brought the house down I thought. great to see fanblur out there again rocking the awk hat. Good times Smile
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Laughing Citizen

Congradulations.... 'cause we made it... all the way home..
all the way hooOOOoooOme..


i've got that song stuck in my head..

saw Eisley again... awesome.. way better this time, 'cause they played tons more songs, and I was totally grovin' on it.. and i'll be damned if I can't wait for their full length to be released..

I wanted to say 'hey, tight show'... but, it was running late, and they were still, I dunno, re-hydrating in the back or something... so we split, and left them for the 'masses'...

We got a two song encoure as well, which was pretty good, considering the size of the audience.. and man oh man.. calculus tomorrow... should be fun..


oh, and I took some pictures... tried to get a good one of sherri's 'flute power' shirt, because my band's got an awesome song called funky floutist.. Razz Wink ... but... my camera doesn't zoom, and I wasn't close enough.. but I got some fairly decent pictures.. for a 3.2 megapixyl camera... i'll try to post them somewhere tomorrow..

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Sea Post King

abductee wrote:
oh, and I took some pictures... tried to get a good one of sherri's 'flute power' shirt, because my band's got an awesome song called funky floutist.. Razz Wink ... but... my camera doesn't zoom, and I wasn't close enough..

I was standing right in front of sherri, so i got a good pic of the shirt:


Sing away. l l Swing away.
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Wookie Luke

Whew. I just stepped in to my apartment from a whirlwind weekend of Eisley and stuff. Amazing. Best weekend of my life, no joke.

Awesome show once again, Richard Swift rizzocked the opening hizzouse (sold out of CDs too, that's how good he is), and Annie got the crowd in the mood for some rockin' girl vocals. Exact same setlist as last night which is pretty cool... over the past 3 days I've gotten to know those songs pretty imtimately, from lots of different angles and states of mind.

Smallish crowd at Slim's but very energetic, cheering for the encore and going nuts for Telescope Eyes. There was some dude near me bouncing up and down quite happily for most of the show, it was pretty entertaining between the crowd and the band Smile

Man I feel bad for boyd and co right now, they're still somewhere on the road between SF and LA, relegated to driving not a MPH over 55. Yeesh. Someone donate a couple gallons of coffee Wink

I took about 100 pics, and I'm gonna post em tomorrow, but I had to show everyone this one as soon as I could.


*drumroll please*


My work here is done. Wink

See ya all tomorrow with a more in-depth post with pics galore!

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Last edited by pzy on Mon Apr 26, 2004 9:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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since 1979

stacy's shirt rocks. Very Happy
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