Laughing City
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Sea Post King

This may not matter to anyone but myself, but I have a major delima on my hands. Eisley is coming to Salt Lake City,Utah on a sunday. Its horrible cause I wont be able to go. I wish so bad that they could move it up one day up onto the monday and then I would be able to go and about fifty other people who cant go because it is on a sunday. They will still have an audience of that I am sure of, but it just won't be as big as it could be. But I know that people usually go to concerts whenever they want but I Utah its different because a good chunk of the population is LDS,or mormons if you perfer that. I myself am a mormon and it sucks cause on of my most favorite bands is coming and I wont be able to see them. Sure ill see them when they come with NFG (ah I hate them) but they wont play near as long and then I wont see them for two years cause ill be on my mission. Eisley please come on a monday!!!

Sorry about my whining I just needed to get that off my chest.
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Sea Post King

If Eisley had played Houston on a Saturday instead of a Sunday I would have been able to go. (Can't miss school) Stupid day of rest. Sad
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Lost at Forum

Eisley in Utah on a Sunday..! That can't be good for ticket sales and such.
The crowds will be MUCH smaller I'm sure.

If it makes you feel any better, if they played here on a Sunday I probably wouldn't go either.

..I'm also LDS =]
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Vintage Newbie

If I had a sundae and there was a topping called "Eisley", I would definitely put it on my sundae. Eisley would be a good name for a Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Maybe "Dark Chocolate w/ Eisley", or "Eisley Food". Help me out here!


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Sea Post King

I know I wish so bad I could convince them to play on a monday but I doubt that could ever happen. What if I started a petition?
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Golly, Poster

Dude...I feel for you brother. I am LDS too. You should go to a Washington or Colorado show (I know kinda far, but arent they worth it?) Youre almost you should have money. You might not though. Um...Im goin on a mission too. We are gonna miss so much! But hey...itll all pay off in the end. Alright man. Sorry about the circumstances. Wish I could help. See ya bro.

Skabro Mr. Green

Weston wrote:
i spit out a flury of rude language at garron like, "UGH!....DUMMY!" he flips out and crys for the next couple of hours, then we stop at subway my favorite restaurant and buy him a sub and things are cool now.

You will be greatly missed Jonathon David Wilson. Great bassist, great guy.

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Vintage Newbie is a concert not resting? i'd think it really is's a concert...
welcome to the no pants club boone
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Golly, Poster

granpaturtle wrote: is a concert not resting? i'd think it really is's a concert...

Lol....its the fact that it is supporting people working. We dont believe in working on the day that God rested. Therefor LDS (mormon) folk usually dont even leave the house. Can you believe it? lol.

Skabro Mr. Green

Weston wrote:
i spit out a flury of rude language at garron like, "UGH!....DUMMY!" he flips out and crys for the next couple of hours, then we stop at subway my favorite restaurant and buy him a sub and things are cool now.

You will be greatly missed Jonathon David Wilson. Great bassist, great guy.

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Eclectic Gypsy
Sea Post King

Skabro1005 wrote:
granpaturtle wrote: is a concert not resting? i'd think it really is's a concert...

Lol....its the fact that it is supporting people working. We dont believe in working on the day that God rested. Therefor LDS (mormon) folk usually dont even leave the house. Can you believe it? lol.

Skabro Mr. Green

i'm confused and i don't mean to sound offensive or step on any toes, but wouldn't that rule out a lot of things... like you could not watch tv, or play boardgames, or read a book, listen to music on sunday; for they all in some way support someone?

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Lost at Forum

Eclectic Gypsy wrote:
Skabro1005 wrote:
granpaturtle wrote: is a concert not resting? i'd think it really is's a concert...

Lol....its the fact that it is supporting people working. We dont believe in working on the day that God rested. Therefor LDS (mormon) folk usually dont even leave the house. Can you believe it? lol.

Skabro Mr. Green

i'm confused and i don't mean to sound offensive or step on any toes, but wouldn't that rule out a lot of things... like you could not watch tv, or play boardgames, or read a book, <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href=" sic" onmouseover="window.status='listen to music'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">listen to music</a> on sunday; for they all in some way support someone?

Well it's more of a personal thing, for what you do or don't do on a Sunday. People honor it in different ways beause there aren't any rules set in stone or anything. But most people won't go to parties or go shopping or go to work (if they can avoid it). Mostly you wouldn't go to concerts either...but I still think of it as a personal decision. (that's why I said I probably wouldn't go) Eilsey is not exactly raucous music that would take you away from your Sabbath focus so I don't think it's too big of an issue. I have been to orchestra concerts with family on Sundays.
But if you could go to it on another day, that's always ideal because Sunday, for LDS, is supposed to be set apart exclusivley for rest and worship. *shrug*
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Vintage Newbie

Eureka! If you show up early enough to find a place to sit, it would be just like sitting at home listening to Room Noises, which no one would call work.
Anyways, I think we are getting away from the real subject, which is ICE CREAM w/ Eisley sprinkles!


"Well, hopefully that's our job, to strap rockets onto everything." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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Lost at Forum

Will was a mormon, but he wasnt a strict mormon. He hardly followed any of the rules. Ok. maybe none of them.

My view on religion (not to say that anyone elses view is wrong) is that you shouldnt have to be given a set of rules to follow in order to have faith or believe in God.

I dont go to church, and I dont follow any of the rules (though Lutherans dont really have that much to follow) but I just dont get the fasting thing, and the no pork, or whatever. How is not eating going to make you believe in God more...

Ok, I know, its to see what he sacrificed for us, but I can appreciate the things he did without doing that. Instead of fasting, why not go out and help those that are forced to fast, and dont have food or money or shelter.

So, back on subject, kinda...Mormons have a lot of rules...I think that puts a negative connotation on it for most people. I really couldnt imagine being part of an organization that had so much control over my life. No caffiene, not being able to go out on Sundays, (and dont some take part of your paycheck??)

Will and I had a lot of discussions about religion...he was pretty smart about it because the church was training him to be some higher-up in the church, but he just didnt believe all that he was being told.

We both kinda believed that He does exist, and he is there to watch out for us and help us when needed, but he does not decide what goes on in our daily lives. After the accident, I kept asking God why he did this, and I really just had to realize that it wasnt him that did it, it just happened.

But yeah, religion is a tricky thing in my head. I believe certain things, and I dont believe other being part of one faith really just doesnt suit me. I like knowing that my beliefs are unique to my own experiences.

I think this was somewhat off topic.

Oh well.

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Sea Post King

Skabro1005 wrote:
granpaturtle wrote: is a concert not resting? i'd think it really is's a concert...

Lol....its the fact that it is supporting people working. We dont believe in working on the day that God rested. Therefor LDS (mormon) folk usually dont even leave the house. Can you believe it? lol.

Skabro Mr. Green

Look at it this way,

They're not working, they're performing because they love to do it. You just happen to have to buy tickets, because they need to pay for the facility to play in. Nobody's working, they're just partying...with their own creation.

I would think that your god would love the idea of creation, and thus, would totally agree with Eisley.

See, it's all about you're free to go, Thread Closed!


Chauntelle Rocks!
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Vintage Newbie

PinkPanther wrote:
If Eisley had played Houston on a Saturday instead of a Sunday I would have been able to go. (Can't miss school) Stupid day of rest. Sad

I made the drive from louisiannnnnnnnnnnnnnna to houston to see the show. I just told work I had more important things to do drive home.
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Golly, Poster

berlies_ wrote:
My view on religion (not to say that anyone elses view is wrong) is that you shouldnt have to be given a set of rules to follow in order to have faith or believe in God.

See...thats the beauty of the LDS religion. We are totally based on choice. There arent any RULES, there are guidelines. You CHOOSE whether you want to follow or not. Sure there are some things that are seen as totally wrong, but isnt it that way in society also? What I'm getting at is the LDS religion believes that faith is found by a person in their own way. There are no rules to follow to have faith, you could not follow any of the guidelines and still have faith (Now that would be pointless because why have faith and not do anything to support it). Anyway, what Im trying to say is that faith is found personally in different ways, not in following rules or a set process. You can still believe in God, even if you dont follow the guidelines (which usually isnt advisable to not follow the guidelines).

I hope that clears SOME questions.

Skabro Mr. Green

Weston wrote:
i spit out a flury of rude language at garron like, "UGH!....DUMMY!" he flips out and crys for the next couple of hours, then we stop at subway my favorite restaurant and buy him a sub and things are cool now.

You will be greatly missed Jonathon David Wilson. Great bassist, great guy.

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