Laughing City
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Vintage Newbie

Come on guys, I woke up expecting at least three threads about last nights show. Where are you guys?? Still sleeping? Or you just want to keep it all to yourself?!? Mad
Jamie (the female version)
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Luke's Mom
Sea Post King

Really! If Boyd can keep it up so can you show-goers. This band does it for you guys, and your opinions and experiences are really all they care about.
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Vintage Newbie

well hold your horses! perhaps we're all just so overwhelmed by greatness that we need some time to gather our thoughts. eisley has inspired us to do the very best we can in all we do, and that includes telling of our experiences!

seriously though, the show was fantastic. i'd be more eloquent, but ... i'm not great at that. it was my first eisley show (not counting acl) and i was, of course, thoroughly impressed. they played many of my favorite songs (i wasn't prepared and mr. pine being two of them) and, of course, "happy birthday" was among them. Laughing

i'll let some other people comment more. they're probably all sleeping. or at school, perhaps... and as much as i love eisley, as a teacher, i cannot condone skipping school. i mean, i did it, but i don't condone it! Wink

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Laughing Citizen

hehe im waiting patiently. no more jamie posts tho Sad
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Protocol Droid

starnothing wrote:
hehe im waiting patiently. no more jamie posts tho Sad

Aww. I hope to make it to the next Dallas show ...


You can't spell awesome without emo...backwards! -Julie
definingawesome (11:44:11 PM): Eisley shivers our timbers
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Sea Post King

I didn't even get home until 6 AM, and I usually borrow my roomie's computer, so that was a bit out of the question at the time!

This was my first time to see Eisley. I didn't have my notebook with me (left it out in the car), so I wasn't able to keep a proper setlist -- going by memory here. Augustana opened, and though I could appreciate the skill with which they put together their songs and the technical proficiency that went into them, they just didn't seem to have the spark that excites me when I go to a live show (even small local bands). So I wasn't much impressed. My little brother and I made our way back about 30 feet from the stage where we could (occasionally) see the band when they weren't occluded by the furry heads of tall people in front of us. Since the Gypsy Tea Room Ballroom is a standing-only venue, and people were rather closely pressed in around us, we were grousing about the fact that we probably wouldn't get to see the band anyway and didn't have room to dance, headbang, and all those other fun things that make a concert worth it.

Then Eisley came on, and played the first few notes, and all of our complaints were quickly forgotten in the ecstacy of the evening. Curran and I danced anyway, jumped around during choruses, headbanged at the first sign of distortion, and sung along in our best falsettos/Eisley imitation voices. I hope we didn't disturb anyone else's enjoyment of the concert too much -- I know we had a grand old time indeed, and earned a few stares from surrounding people. I can't really describe what it was like to hear these songs played live for the first time, and dance around and act mildly crazy to them -- it was brilliant, beautiful, and absolutely delightful.

I do remember them playing something (I can't remember what it was, though I sang along in my best man-imitating-Eisley voice) first, then "Telescope Eyes", which was very well recieved by the crowd. They also played "Mr. Pine" (my first time to hear it aside from a few live clips on here -- I thought it was a cover of some obscure b-side Coldplay song at first!) and "I Wasn't Prepared," as well as "Memories" (one of my very favorites from the full-length), "Golly Sandra" (which I incorrectly identified at first as "Lost at Sea" -- this will tell you my familiarity with the band Razz), "My Lovely", "Plenty of Paper" (I love that song -- the intro, chorus, and bridge are brilliant!), "Marvelous Things", and closed by first leading us all in "Happy Birthday" for Chauntelle (her 24th) and then singing a new song that is slated to be on their upcoming new record that they intend to cut tracks on in January. I can't remember the name of that song, but it was very enjoyable. Curran (my little brother) said they also played "Just Like We Do" but I don't remember it. Either that or he was saying he wished they had played it. We also called out for "Tree Tops" several times during the concert, but were not rewarded for such things. Probably annoyed the band just a bit, too. Ah well. Then Switchfoot came on, and that's a whole 'nother post/story/novel. After the Foot finished, I was able to chat with Chauntelle and wish her a happy birthday and thank her for coming out to play. I wanted to take a picture with, but the people at the door had confiscated Dad's camera battery, so that was a bit out of the question.

After the concert, we (myself, my dad, my little brother and sister, stepsister and my dad's new wife) packed up and started the drive back home. And then the best part of the whole evening happened. We stopped at a convenience store on the outskirts (I think) of Dallas. And who should come along and stop at the same convenience store 10 minutes later? Yep, that musical family, the Duprees, on their way to Abilene en route to Phoenix. No one else in the car wanted to put in the work to go say hi, so I decided to go myself. While all the kids were inside, I moseyed my way over to Eisley's vanbus and chatted with Boyd, which was really cool. He invited me to go inside and talk with the band and everyone, but by that time, my everyone was back in the car and Dad was in a hurry to get home, so he (Dad, not Boyd) told me I couldn't go talk with the band (because we didn't have enough time, you know). I don't think he even realized who it was. And then he spent another five minutes rooting through the car looking for something before he was even ready to go (arrgh). So Boyd kind of wandered over to where I was standing in front of our conversion van looking longingly at his group inside, and repeated his invitation (nice guy, that, really nice guy). I told him that Dad was in a hurry but in the course of our second conversation I was able to pray for him and his family and Eisley, and that was really great. He told me that not many people pray with them while they're on tour, which surprised me.

If there are any regrets I have about last night it's 1) that I don't have a camera, 2) that I didn't go inside to chat with the band directly instead of checking with Dad first, 3) that Eisley didn't play "Tree Tops" or "Trolley Wood", and 4) that we didn't leave on time (gah, family trips!), because if we had, we would have been front row center.

Otherwise, a wonderful evening and very enjoyable experience.

Peace and Grace,

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Last edited by guitarfan on Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Luke's Mom
Sea Post King

What a fabulous post! Thank you.
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Vintage Newbie

im glad you prayed for them... what a nice gesture.
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