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Vintage Newbie

I think Boyd's gone a little too far here. You can't pick a fight with every critic. Even Radiohead's gotten bad reviews, suck it up.
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Sea Post King

OK um, he's their dad.
Do you really expect him to be objective?
If someone slammed my kids, I don't care how much of it were true, I'd be pissed. Any parent would. I mean, do you really expect him to be like "yeah, he's right, my kids suck."

" If we had done as the kings told us five hundred years ago, we should all have been slaves. If we had done as the priest told us, we should all have been idiots. If we had done as the doctors told us, we should all have been dead. We have been saved by disobedience. We have been saved by the splendid thing called independence, and I want to see more of it. I want to see children raised so that they have it." Robert Ingersoll
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Vintage Newbie

The thing is, it's a review! Being in a band is a profession, a subjective one at that, and if you can't take criticism you will either quit or go crazy. It's not like the kids were walking home from school and a bully called them names! A professional critic didn't like their album and he's insulted personally for it!

Events of late have my Eisley respect going into the red...
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Sea Post King

Ok seriously, the thing about being a dad, is that your objectivity is screwed. There is no such thing as objectivity. If someone says something crappy about you, and it irritates you, it doesn't even remotely compare to the way it makes you feel when someone says something negative about your kids.

It's chemically, biologically, emotionally wedged so far down deep inside of you to protect your children from anything and everything that could hurt them. I don't think your animal instincts take their time to decipher between professional critical analysis and some jerk-off at the playground.

Sure, Boyd the manager could have sucked it up and moved on. But Boyd the manager and Boyd the parent are one and the same. He's not a robot, and it's totally silly of you to be offended by that.

And the truth of the matter is, that this same exact critic has been made friends with and been over to their house to hang out and make ammends. So maybe even he did feel bad afterwards for letting it effect him so much. But he fixed it, and it's all good now.

What's up with nit-picking everything they do? They're just people. I honestly feel sorry for them cause we're all so nosey and caught up in every single little movement and moment of their life. They do something that might not be the perfect "Eisley" thing to do, and someone comes along with their magnifying glass to geek out and get all offended and pissed off. They're just some dorky family from the sticks who happen to have some talents tucked up their sleeves. Jeez.

" If we had done as the kings told us five hundred years ago, we should all have been slaves. If we had done as the priest told us, we should all have been idiots. If we had done as the doctors told us, we should all have been dead. We have been saved by disobedience. We have been saved by the splendid thing called independence, and I want to see more of it. I want to see children raised so that they have it." Robert Ingersoll
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Sea Post King

I agree with the both of youz.
"Aren't we all hanging from a fragile vine awaiting an inevitable plunge to doom while mice gnaw at our temporary safety? What else should we do but eat a strawberry?"
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Vintage Newbie

twinstar wrote:
What's up with nit-picking everything they do? They're just people. I honestly feel sorry for them cause we're all so nosey and caught up in every single little movement and moment of their life. They do something that might not be the perfect "Eisley" thing to do, and someone comes along with their magnifying glass to geek out and get all offended and pissed off. They're just some dorky family from the sticks who happen to have some talents tucked up their sleeves. Jeez.

We are not nosey. They offer it up to us, which is very uncommon, what can they expect? I don't go "hunting" for things to criticize, I just see what I see. Maybe I take issue with a few things they have done, and I voice an opinion that isn't full of praise. Like clockwork, I'm chastised.

These kids need a life again, they need not have 1000 eyes hovering and watching every move. I bet they all want their lives back very badly. I can only hope the best for them.
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Sea Post King

You can totally voice your opinion, positive or negative.
But if you can disagree with Boyd, then why is it just me being predictable that I disagree with you?
I still think your wife is a really cool person, by the way, so you can't hate me for thinking you're being too hard on him. It's my opinion.

" If we had done as the kings told us five hundred years ago, we should all have been slaves. If we had done as the priest told us, we should all have been idiots. If we had done as the doctors told us, we should all have been dead. We have been saved by disobedience. We have been saved by the splendid thing called independence, and I want to see more of it. I want to see children raised so that they have it." Robert Ingersoll
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Vintage Newbie

It's all opinions....I didn't create this thread to target you specifically whatsoever, this is just how it's played out. I'm not a parent, so I can't comment on that angle. I'm glad that he and the guy worked things out, but what I'm getting at is you can't go on a witch hunt for every reviewer you think is ridiculous because he doesn't like your kids may put a bad taste in people's mouths eventually.
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Vintage Newbie

I found this all very interesting to read & I think both sides have valid points.
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Sea Post King

I DO agree that every band gets bad reviews. It's rediculous to assume that the enitre earth will fall utterly in love with everything your children do. I just mean to say that there's a lot more going on than just a band's manager freaking out. Being a parent really changes that whole dynamic, and it's gonna be a lot harder for Boyd to get used to hearing stuff like that about his kids. And this is really the beginning of so much publicity, and therefore the beginning of having to deal with such negative reviews. So there's gotta be a learning curve, and some mercy applied here. He'll get used to it. I mean, if this was 5 years after they were signed, and he was spending all day and night freaking out and rebutting every negative attack on the band, that would be just weird and sad and crazy. And then I would whole-heartedly agree with you.
" If we had done as the kings told us five hundred years ago, we should all have been slaves. If we had done as the priest told us, we should all have been idiots. If we had done as the doctors told us, we should all have been dead. We have been saved by disobedience. We have been saved by the splendid thing called independence, and I want to see more of it. I want to see children raised so that they have it." Robert Ingersoll
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Vintage Newbie

theenvycorps wrote:

I think Boyd's gone a little too far here. You can't pick a fight with every critic. Even Radiohead's gotten bad reviews, suck it up.

I don't know. I think he had a legitimate reason for getting worked up. Very little of the review actually focused on the music. I mean, the reviewer talked about music being the imporant aspect... but he devoted very little of the review to the actual music. Do I see some hypocrisy? Only 1 of the 6 major paragraphs discussed music on the EP specifically. He talked at length about the band being siblings, about Record Collection being pseud-indie, about hipness, about cuteness, and about being prepped for greatness.

But this is supposed to be an album review. If I were Boyd, I'd be upset that so little of the review focused on the songs. I mean... there are a lot of people out there that love to hate manufactured bands or poseurs, and this review tries to label Eisley as such. That isn't fair because a good number of people will read that review and want to dislike Eisley for that reason. But what about the music?

This band has been around for years and working hard at making good music, but all that is ignored. Instead, it sounds like Eisley has been suddenly thrown together and given a template to follow for success. It's not like that. The fans that have been around since before the Coldplay tour can tell you that.

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Lost at Forum

rmlawrence wrote:
theenvycorps wrote:

I think Boyd's gone a little too far here. You can't pick a fight with every critic. Even Radiohead's gotten bad reviews, suck it up.

I don't know. I think he had a legitimate reason for getting worked up. Very little of the review actually focused on the music. I mean, the reviewer talked about music being the imporant aspect... but he devoted very little of the review to the actual music. Do I see some hypocrisy? Only 1 of the 6 major paragraphs discussed music on the EP specifically. He talked at length about the band being siblings, about Record Collection being pseud-indie, about hipness, about cuteness, and about being prepped for greatness.

But this is supposed to be an album review. If I were Boyd, I'd be upset that so little of the review focused on the songs. I mean... there are a lot of people out there that love to hate manufactured bands or poseurs, and this review tries to label Eisley as such. That isn't fair because a good number of people will read that review and want to dislike Eisley for that reason. But what about the music?

This band has been around for years and working hard at making good music, but all that is ignored. Instead, it sounds like Eisley has been suddenly thrown together and given a template to follow for success. It's not like that. The fans that have been around since before the Coldplay tour can tell you that.

I agree.
There will always be someone doing this for the band just as there is
someone doing it for just about every other band out there.
The only thing that will change is that, at some point, those duties will
be handed over to a PR person. It is very important that falsities and
misconceptions be corrected early.

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Protocol Droid

That last comment was stupid. When you stop listening to music and start picking my label or genre ... you've murdered music and you're listening to labels.

Back to topic ... Despite thinking Music/Poorwriter/Eddie is a cool fellow, I have little more than disdain for music criticism. I don't really feel like getting into it, though. But you work your rear off to get somwhere, then some dude arbitrarily slams your band and that's the first impression someone who reads it gets, then it's not the nicest thing to see. I remember when Beck's Mellow Gold came out, I read a review calling it the new worst album ever. This thing went on several more paragraphs deconstructing and slamming Beck (it seems mainly because he was out of place at the time). Fast forward about 10 years, and Beck is one of the most critically acclaimed artists out there. Music got used to him. Eisley isnt' much like anything out there right now. Right now everything is a radiohead knockoff, or some tepid, unimaginative rock band. Eisley will surely get the brunt of scensters posing as progressive music lovers ...

God, I'm not saying anything else. This is silly.


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Vintage Newbie

Boyd made great points in his response to that review. In fact, his comments were far more solid and relevant than those in the review itself... I think this Joseph guy was so immersed in his precious ideals of what Eisley should be--before he knew anything about them--that he expected to hear it on the EP. When he didn't, he was disappointed. "Slick," he says. No, I say--slick is taking Amy Lee's vocals and correcting the pitch so she's on-key. Slick is packaging Britney Spears and selling it in the same aisle as real music. Slick is the knee-deep industry-manufactured crap through which we all have to wade, day by day. Eisley is real.

It always chafes me to see so-called "critics" dismissing a piece of work just because they, personally, do not like it. The point of reviewing an album, or a book, or a film and putting that review where thousands of people can read it is so that the readers can decide, based on the review, whether they would like it. By the end of his article, Mr. Kyle has said nothing about the musical quality of the album itself. He has spent nine paragraphs insulting Eisley because he wanted to hear Jesus & Mary Chain. How unprofessional.

I'm tempted not to add this review to the "Press" section of Orange Gold and Green, but for the sake of objectivity I will. There's truly no accounting for taste.

EDIT: I just read his review for Marvelous Things, and it is, if at all possible, even more biased than the first. Obviously this guy just likes getting the attention of everyone who reads his site; in any case, he doesn't seem to think his loyal readers have enough intelligence to pick up on his obvious bias. A quote: "I am going to step away from you, dear readers, to address Eisley for a moment. Folks, growth doesn't come from being pampered and sheltered and protected from the world. You may hate me, Eisley, but I don't speak these things out of hate. You really, truly need to consider who you're getting in bed with, because I feel your handlers are misguiding you. Do you think you'd have the big press if you three were boys? Doubt it. Because of this, your music is being altered in ways that suck the life out of it."

Yeah, obviously there's been a lot of life sucked out of "Sun Feet" and "My Lovely." Totally dead and soulless, those songs. First he says that growth doesn't come from being sheltered, and then he all but forbids the band to enter the music industry and grow there. Then he oh-so-intelligently wraps up the whole thing by chalking their success up to their gender, rather than the fact that Eisley have worked extremely hard to get where they are. (And has he bothered to notice that the rhythm section is male?) Good job, Mr. Kyle. You've shown us all exactly how smart you are.


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Vintage Newbie

Hey everyone!
Just thought I'd throw my "two cents" in, like I do occasionally.

I originally would have, (and did) agree with "theenvycorps" thought that Boyd needed to take a chill pill. (maybe he does Wink)

Here's how it all went down....I first came across the back and forth comments by accident, and I thought, "Oh, brother...why did Boyd jump on this guy? People don't have to love Eisley."

Then, I read the reviews myself. I never really care if people like the band, or hate their music, but, after reading the reviews, I really felt that Boyd had really held back.

I just didn't feel like the guy had done his homework, or even really listened to the music. Many of his assumptions were wrong. Information was wrong. Wheter he liked the music was separate to me. I didn't care about that.

So, I private messaged him, and we began a conversation about things.
One thing led to another, and we asked him over to meet him, because we really just love people, and thought, "hey, it would be cool to meet this guy, and maybe he does have some constructive criticism, and...I don't know...we felt kinda drawn to him"

Well, he came over. We sat and talked for about 4 hours, and the friendship has begun.

I still don't care if he ever really likes Eisley's music. That's not important. People are important. We wanted to know him, and what his life is about. Thru our meeting, he knows us now, has met the band, and understands more of who the real Eisley is.

Joseph is a really cool guy, and we've enjoyed our visits with him.
He even gave the band a penny whistle. Stacy is learning how to play it.

As for other things that are making theenvycorps "red", about Eisley....send us a pm...we can talk about them. I think you live a little too far away to come have coffee with us, but, you would sure be welcome to if it were possible.

two cents by kim d Wink
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