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granpaturtle wrote:
public school is necessary

Without public school, where would we find our presidents?!!?

If the end of the world has proper noodles I'll probably be okay with it.
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EisleyForever wrote:
granpaturtle wrote:
public school is necessary

Without public school, where would we find our presidents?!!?

or our juju beans
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maybe the Duprees don't want to answer this
Delmar O'Donnell: Oh, George... not the livestock.
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what is the big deal about homeschooling anways...(i'm not)...
but still, i find that the students are more....creative and a tad bit

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amestheamazing wrote:
maybe the Duprees don't want to answer this

Yeah I noticed. But I don't understand... I'm not trying to pry into their personal lives. I just wanted to see if I could relate to them with the missing the graduation thing. Oh well... they don't HAVE to answer me. I'll still like them no matter what Wink

I know how I was born and I know that I have no choice. I know it may not show on the color of my skin, but I know it’s in my heart and in my soul. –Sara Quin
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treetops12 wrote:
amestheamazing wrote:
maybe the Duprees don't want to answer this

Yeah I noticed. But I don't understand... I'm not trying to pry into their personal lives. I just wanted to see if I could relate to them with the missing the graduation thing. Oh well... they don't HAVE to answer me. I'll still like them no matter what Wink

yeah, I wasn't trying to say that there's anything wrong with the question..I would like to know the answer myself. Plus, there's been questions asked on this forum that are much more personal. Confused

Delmar O'Donnell: Oh, George... not the livestock.
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granpaturtle wrote:
are you all seriously debating which is better homeschooling or public?

just plain silly.

public school is necessary so there's no point in debating which is better just do whatever you'll turn out fine in the end.

as a homeschooled person, i agree. it worked for me, but it's not going to work for everybody. i like how i was educated, not because i was indoctrinated to hold only to my parent's beliefs, but because my education was tailored to me - it was never "get this many credits because that's how you graduate" it was, "ok, what do you love to learn about, and what are you really going to use?". also, i was able to get done and out of high school at age 15, which is pretty cool if you ask me. there is so much more to do and see than the insides of textbooks.

i think the people who are saying that it's closeminded to self-teach your children in order to prevent them from being influenced by sources you deem corrupt should realize that that's not everyone, and that's it's not necessarily terrible. most of the curriculum i used was very conservative christian - it was very good, but very straightlaced. my parents always encouraged me to look at it objectively, and helped me to see where the authors were going overboard with their beliefs. by the same token, for what most people would consider conservative christian curriculum, i recieved a very open minded education. differing viewpoints were always discussed. for instance, i know what evolution is, even if i have chosen not to believe it. (whereas creationism and intelligent design are often not even included in public school curriculum.)

besides that, what is wrong with parents wanting to protect their kids? certainly they should be exposed to the realities of life, but when they're ready for it, not wheneever some kid at school tells them. (or some movie, or some television show, or some book, etc.)

p.s. i know it's wrong of me, but i still get so so annoyed when people say that homeschooled kids are social misfits somehow. what the heck? just because i didn't spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, in a building with a bunch of people my age doesn't mean i can't talk to other human beings i encounter in life. homeschooling, in my opinion, doesn't make a person more awkward or less awkward. there are these things called personalities, which have a lot more influence than where you spend all of your time. i know very outgoing homeschooled people, and i know very shy public-schooled people. (and vice versa!)
aren't people just people, more than anything?

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all your kind, they're coming clean
they shut their eyes
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amidthestars wrote:
there are these things called personalities, which have a lot more influence than where you spend all of your time.

hear hear

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this whole thread makes my brain hurt...
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here are a few non-DuPree situations where homeschooling has played well with people i know, or has been the only solution that applied:

1. A friend of mine had a band in the 1980s, and they were kind of a bigger band, and they toured a lot. Sending her kids to a regular school was not something she wanted to do while she was on the road. She wanted very much to be involved in the education of her children. But she also had a career that involved her being on the road. So she homeschooled her kids, because it was the only feasable way for her to do so. An active musician has to tour, especially if they're on a major label. Not touring wasn't an option, and she didn't want to leave her kids behind.

2. Another friend of mine has a daughter who was born with an eye defect, but it's one that is easily corrected with a rigorous process that requires her to cover her eyes during the daytime, to strengthen them. She will be perfectly fine by the time she is ten. But the public school system considered her to be 'disabled' and 'handicapped,' when she is anything but. She was going to be placed in special ed from the very beginning, when she wasn't disabled at all. So they decided to homeschool her, because, well, they didn't want their daughter to be mislabelled.

3. My sister's best friend is deaf, and this friend of hers married a deaf man, but their daughter is hearing. The conventional wisdom of public education says that because her parents are disabled, she's disabled, too, because of the disadvantage of her background, and so she was to be placed in remedial classes with other lesser able children. Her parents said NO WAY to this and are homeschooling her. She's homeschooled in conjunction with a group of other homeschooled children, and they have social interactions every week, taking field trips together and doing other things outside of what one thinks is 'normal' for the homeschooled environment.

the kids in the first instance turned out quite well. the oldest is going to U-Mass and is an honors student. the other two sets of kids will turn out fine as well. the 'freak' tag used to be a lot more common, but now homeschooling is on the rise, and much of it has nothing to do with religious seperatism or a rejection of society, as it was once stereotyped. yet some educational 'thinkers' haven't seen the increase in homeschooling for what it is: an indictment of the failures of public school systems....

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I used to be homeschooled. For awhile my mom had us (my brothers and I) with a school that had been formed by other homeschoolers (they were idiots), and they had classes you could take with a group, or you could do it all yourself. Neither I, or my brothers have walked with them though. We all fell behind. I had a very bad experience with it, and I never want to be homeschooled again. I'm not saying it's bad for everyone, but if you are one who likes to procrastinate. Than homeschooling is not for you. The best part for me was sleeping 'til late in the afternoon which is not good for me. I am 16, but i was in 9th grade last year, and the only reason for that was that I hadn't finished anything. My oldest brother will be 22 in september and he just got his GED. the 2 middle ones will be 20 in october. They are still finishing their electives with a correspondence corse. I'm ambaressed by this. Like somebody said earlier. Everyone has a different experience. This is mine. I hate that I was homschooled my entire life until high school. I understand that my mom didn't put me in school because I was late reading, and spelling, but after I got better with that I feel she should have put me in school. For some reason I feel like if she had my life would be much better. I half hate my life. Sorry if I'm rambling.


Ps. Sorry for any spelling errors.

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mister_joseph wrote:
1. A friend of mine had a band in the 1980s, and they were kind of a bigger band, and they toured a lot.

What band?

I know how I was born and I know that I have no choice. I know it may not show on the color of my skin, but I know it’s in my heart and in my soul. –Sara Quin
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amidthestars wrote:
granpaturtle wrote:
are you all seriously debating which is better homeschooling or public?

just plain silly.

public school is necessary so there's no point in debating which is better just do whatever you'll turn out fine in the end.

besides that, what is wrong with parents wanting to protect their kids? certainly they should be exposed to the realities of life, but when they're ready for it, not whenever some kid at school tells them. (or some movie, or some television show, or some book, etc.)

exactly. no one is ready to understand sex and drugs, 8, and they should never have to. i unfortunately was bestowed this honor. people seem to be so hellbent on teaching KIDS about the "REAL WORLD," but a kid's world should never be the one an adult lives in, and they should be exposed to it when they're ready, then they will be able to deal with it, because i know as a young adult, i've only recently learned to deal with things of "adult nature", even though i was exposed to it as a kid..which just made virtually traumatizing.
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I was homeschooled for about 2 weeks in the 5th grade. Mainly becuase we moved out of the county where my elementary school was and the school where I was zoned for had bad problems with violence. In order for me to go to the elementary school where I had gone to for 5 years my parents would have to pay $1,000. So my mom decided to homeschool me, mainly becuase we really didn't have the money. We bought all the materials and books, but the problems was they were way too low than the standards of what I should have been learning. So my mom ditch the homeschool and payed the thousand dollars so I could go to school. And I was lost for the first month or so going back into public school. I know that this isn't the case with everyone homeschooled and I don't see anything wrong with homeschooling. I just had a bad experience. I believe that people can be homeschooled and be normal.
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Sea Post King

EisleyForever wrote:
granpaturtle wrote:
public school is necessary

Without public school, where would we find our presidents?!!?
Right, We have Lincoln school near our house, there is a Jefferson H.S. close by, two Washington schools, but I am alittle worried about the Jerry Springer Jr. High they are building down the road.
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