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Sea Post King

I'm leaving before the main act plays. Eisely is awesome and I really enjoy they're music, but NFG is HORRIBLE! I don't see how these bands fit together in anyway. Eisley's sound is original and intelligent, NFG is over produced pop punk dribble. I saw Eisley when they opened for coldplay, a band they fit with MUCH better. The show was great, both Eisley and Coldplay had a great set. I'm glad I get a chance to see the band again but disappointed that The headliner had to be NFG, though it wont bother me much because I wont be around to see them.
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Sea Post King

Since you've never seen NFG life, what's to say they don't have the most amazing stage presence. Who knows (other then those who've seen them), they could be just your new favourite band and you don't even know it. Most bands that sound horrible on CD/recording usually bring it on stage. Then again, the same can be said in the opposite. Also, how much was the ticket? If you're entertained even once by them its better then not at all correct? All you have to do is stand and listen. Its just music, it can't hurt you.

I'm not standing up for NFG, they're definatly not on my list of favourites, but Its not my place to say who Eisley tours with/enjoys. Its just something for me since NFG seems to really like eisley and has endorsed them a few times. So, why not support the supporters?

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Sea Post King

if i go to the show, no way will i stay for reggie and the full effect or new found glory.
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The concept of this tour has been very controversial from the beginning.
The idea of course, is that Eisley will be exposed to a whole new audiance. That can make it unpleasant for people that are not fans of the other two bands, but this has so far turned out to be good when Eisley does this.
Brand New and Eisley were not "matchups" in my opinion, but that turned out very well for Eisley breaking into another market of fans, and the opposite was true too. Some Eisley fans became BN fans.

NFG has been extremely supportive of Eisley, and I hope their fans will latch on, and I think NFG hopes that their fans will latch on to EIsley.

I don't think it's horrible if you don't want to stay. Sometimes I get so t-ohd when you are at a show, and people are not into one of the bands, so they stand there with their beers and yell over the music to talk to their friend. I have never seen NFG live, so I look forward to always hearing and seeing a band live, at least once.....I'm rambling.
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Sea Post King

i hope eisley gains lots of new fans through this tour, but i seriously doubt NFG or reggie will gain any of eisley's fans. honestly, i am hesitant to even go to the show because of what i know the crowd is going to be like at the nashville venue. of course, i am also 28 and married, one of eisley's older fans. i would prefer to see eisley play in coffee house!
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Sea Post King

Even though I've never seen NFG live, it really doesnt matter how good of a show they put on. Their music is just to lame for me. I understand that Eisley wants to be exposed to different fans, but fans of pop punk bands arn't the kind of people that would like eisley IMHO. Its good to see that NFG supports them, I just personally think someone dropped the ball on this tour. I can think of no less then 20 bands that Eisley would go better with. Seeing Eisley is worth the entire ticket price, even though ticketmaster likes to screw you out of an extra 7 bucks on a 23 dollar ticket (thats another issue all together). I wish all the best on the tour but unfortunately think its just a horrible pairing. NFG is a fad band that no one will remember in a few more years, Eisley isnt at all.
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One must also look at Eisley's touring past ... As Kim mentioned, Brand New and Eisley didn't exactly seem like the best pairing, but Eisley gained a lot ofnew fans. Their tour with Snow Patrol, a band that seems more fitting with their music, was not all that successful in gaining new bands. Maybe it was more fun for people who were already fans of Eisley and Snow Patrol because they get to see two bands they like in the same music genre, but it didn't seem near as successful in gaining new fans as the Brand New tour was. Of course, Newfound Glory is probably even more deeply "in" the pop-punk-rock genre. It's a risk, but if it works the same as how things have gone in the past for Eisley, this tour might be really successful for them. I--personally--don't think I'm going to go to their show when they come through Dallas, but this is simply because I didn't want to pay that much money on tickets when Eisley was only playing a 35-minute set, when I just saw them headline a show and it cost less. I'm not completely closed off to watching NfG's set if I did go, though.
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Vismal brings up a good point.

I know this has been done before, but who would YOU like to see Eisley tour with?
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Sea Post King

It makes me sad that people won't even stay to give NFG a chance. I have been an NFG fan for years and years and their live show is nothing to scoff at. Those guys bring it to the stage and are great performers. Also, they are great people, who have done nothing but be supportive of Eisley, and any other band they have ever toured with. They know what it's like to be small band who no one knows about. They are always grateful and respectable to the other bands, and they are amazing to their fans.

I love Eisley. I think they are a great band. But, there are a lot of fans from NFG's side that weren't exactly thrilled with Eisley either. I, of course, am totally stoked that Eisley is playing with NFG. Fans of NFG are starting to give Eisley a chance, and a lot of them are liking what they here. No, these bands do not sound alike, but at least people are giving them a chance. Don't you think it's unfair for people to pre-judge a band they've never seen, and always just assume they're going to suck? You wouldn't want to hear someone say they hated Eisley and thought they were a horrible band to play with NFG. All in all, it's simply untrue. Eisley and NFG do go together because they're working for a common goal, and that's to make great music and bring it to the people.

If you don't like NFG, that's fine. You don't have to. But, just remember, if it was you on that stage, you'd want people to at least show you some respect and at least hear what you have to say. At least once.
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Thanks TheLiz.

Well said.
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Sea Post King

Sorry, nfg does not make great music. I hate to disappoint you but from a musicians stand point, pop punk is boring music. All the songs are essentally the same. I'd have a heart attack if i ever heard a pop punk band play in any time signiture other then 4:4 or 6:8, play a guitar solo that i couldnt play at age 14, not sound like prepubecent whiney kids who got picked on in highschool, base a song around any scale that isnt the standard major scale, ect... i think you get the point though i could go on for hours. They may put alot of effor into their shows but i dont care if they play their songs flawlessly in concert, its still boring music using overdone themes in all their songs.
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Kimbrtones wrote:
Vismal brings up a good point.

I know this has been done before, but who would YOU like to see Eisley tour with?

Modest Mouse, BUT they are on completely different labels, so that would be tough to swing.


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vismal wrote:
Sorry, nfg does not make great music. I hate to disappoint you but from a musicians stand point, pop punk is boring music. All the songs are essentally the same. I'd have a heart attack if i ever heard a pop punk band play in any time signiture other then 4:4 or 6:8, play a guitar solo that i couldnt play at age 14, not sound like prepubecent whiney kids who got picked on in highschool, base a song around any scale that isnt the standard major scale, ect... i think you get the point though i could go on for hours. They may put alot of effor into their shows but i dont care if they play their songs flawlessly in concert, its still boring music using overdone themes in all their songs.

You and I might agree with on this point, but we must remember that art is completely subjective. Each person will view it differently. While NFG's music may not be very complex or challenging, that doesn't make it bad, necessarily. Allow me to use and old cliche: Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder.


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Sea Post King

I saw a clip of an NFG show, The problem I'd have is not wanting to be shoved around by shirtless dude or having to be next to the group of people singing back the song....
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yoetheterrible wrote:
I saw a clip of an NFG show, The problem I'd have is not wanting to be shoved around by shirtless dude or having to be next to the group of people singing back the song....

Probably won't be an issue if you stay away from the stage.


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