Laughing City
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Sea Post King

Where are you people getting the idea that Moss is signed to Warner Brothers. I have heard that several places. Read the "Mossblog info journal," to quote Boyd he says "good thing we are still indie and unknown" That was just a few days ago. Unless Boyd slipped up.

Boyd, will you please clear this misunderstanding up for us.

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Sea Post King

This is very not true. I guess.
Well of course I'd love to sit and chat, well of course I'd love to stay and chew the fat.
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Begin Novelesque Blibberings at your own personal risk

Technically, no...the band isn't signed. I said, "good thing they are indie and unknown" because....well, if the band isn't signed and the band isn't some national band yet or anything, then...I guess they're not well known, right? I guess that's fair. Big shows coming up....that could let the cat our of the bag, right? oh CRAP!! we left the cat in the bag without any air.

I know we haven't been feeding you much information... it's usually an open book here. Sometimes there are reasons we don't talk about everything going on. Don't forget, there is management involved now, booking is coming on board also. I've been saying for months that there's activity...everybody knows we've made multiple trips and done showcases, etc. We reported lots of amazing things...reactions from industry peeps and probably way too much hype.

There's a great deal of buzz and press out there on all these issues. But keep in I've been told so often lately, getting signed is easy. Look at how many lame bands get record deals...but, whether it is or it isn't, I guess I'm learning that it's not so cool to hype up all this stuff on the site and the forum; The industry isn't impressed by bands yaking constantly about label wars and making a big fanfare about it all. Like I said, I'm just trying to play it cool, or be cool...I try; believe me...I try. Like that leather coat I just got. Well, I didn't buy that. But, my kids say it makes me look pretty cool. ($7 at Good Will) But....I don't know. I don't have any friends, so...(well, not my age) But in LA, there are actually cool people my age. Ahhh, that's because they're in the MUSIC business. I'm so serious. But, here in Texas, guys my age wear like buckle loafers with plastic soles, they think e-mail is new technology and haven't listened to music for pleasure in like 25 years, but they still play air guitar to Bad Company evey time classic rock radio gives 'em an audience. (?!@?#!) Where am I. sorry.

Back to the issue...I have a question: are indie fans impressed when their favorite bands get "signed"? Don't they worry the band is selling out... So, are you guys worried? come on... (be tru') Well, so...Moss has this large indie- fan base, right? Just so you'll know...we think it's critical that the band signs with someone that TOTALLY get's their vision, won't sell them out to the god of radio-ocrity, conform them into some plastic pop pill, won't dump them before the first record is released, puts enough tour support into the deal so they can grow organically instead of superficially, a label where the President totally buys in and A&R people are stable and happy, a label that will be around for a long time because they're smart, a label with cool people in every department.....(some of you are smiling now), a label that believes MossEisley is something special beyond anything they've seen, a label that's relational...sees the value of a family...acts like a family....that embraces this band like a family...since we are a family...fambly. we, aw' famb-i-lee. And you know what else? Their management believes all this stuff is totally essential....all prerequisites. No tolerance for anything less. Wink

Anyway, soon there'll be some scoop on all the "goings on"...sorry to be vague right now. You know it's not my style. When the technical becomes guys will know...and certainly not just from this forum...the press will be all over it. I'd look for some things to solidify very soon. Or, you might hear it on the streets.

In the mean time, how cool is it that they're working on this indie recording with Mike Mogis of Bright Eyes, huh? ...with NO laws or rules or concern for radio appeal. That's cool; but here's a question I have: if the very next record is some full length, huge budget and doesn't sound all lo-fi, indie, etc. will you just say they're selling out? This is a fun subject. Consider the careers of Weezer, Jimmy Eat World, etc.

(ignore that yetti behind the curtain)


"The industrialists never saw the fruit of their own labor - Post Moderism,
which I now proclaim as dead. Their forefathers digital revolutionists,
have accelerated the final resolve by punctuating an end to our chaotic
journey with a new manifesto and a new era: The Age of Meaning."

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the gEek

Weezer & JEW are the biggest sell-outs in the world. Moss is next. Rolling Eyes
[absolutely kidding]

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Golly, Poster

If moss sells out like JEW and Weezer (i listened to green today... doh) I'll stay active on the board here and bash them for it every chance i get. I'll call anyone whol likes them a sellout that doesn't know anything about music. I can see it allready, moss music gap comercials, and in cheesey action movie soundstracks.
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Sea Post King

So here's my two cents on "selling out". I am looking for a job right now - not a job at McDonald's, or some store in the mall, but a JOB! Something that will pay me well for the work I'm doing! Doesn't it make sense for a band who has worked hard, traveling, getting home at crazy hours of the night, doing many shows that never paid a dime, to want to find a place that will take good care of them? Pay them well, put them on good tours, give them a bus, etc. Let's face it, Moss deserves to be signed TOTALLY! We all saw that long ago. And they're young - VERY young for where they're at right now. And so, even if Moss goes and signs with a big company, makes some money, and then gets dropped, say all within a couple of years, where does that leave them? Still a young band with a world ahead of them. So, I say go for broke Moss. Sign with a major, see what happens, and if they drop you, then BIG DEAL!!! Let another label see how talented you guys are and push you like you deserve. It happens all the time (see said examples from Boyd's post)!
A three hour tour? Sure Skipper! Let me just pack a few sets of clothes.......JUST IN CASE.
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the gEek

Hm, I'm hoping scott was joking, but it's hard to tell. If not, I guess he's indier-than-me. hehe
"The revolution starts today, not tomorrow." :: got g-Love?
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Golly, Poster

hahaha. sellouts!
ok ok ok , im not that l33t. I'm sure id support moss no matter what.

are you a member of the slaves to their members?
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Last edited by sc0tt on Sat Jan 18, 2003 4:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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I say take the money and run, baby. But don't forget to cut out some for the driver. Wink


p.s. Hey Moss, I'm starting a label! And our entire team (aka me) loves you! ha.
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Lost at Forum

Hey, If moss sells out and every one likes them and there played in the background of a gap commercal Ill still think of them of as friends and remember the days.
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I tried to say in my - "William Faulkner's - The Bear" journal that there will be no selling out.... It's not "signing" that defines selling out. It's what you do when you're signed that determines the sliding scale of violation - and the damage that results.

When a fine artist sits in his room and paints and starves because he has no marketplace - he's championed. When he finds the biggest market available for his creations and lives on the walls of every home in America, he's a sell out. Strike a balance.

You'll see. It's going to make everyone happy. People with integrity, common sense, people that love great music, people that totally "get" them are already working behind the scenes... You simply can't appreciate how cool Nettwerk is. To know Moss is to know Nettwerk. The synergy and thinking is meshed together in this wonderful platform of opportunity and vision. And.....there is yet another.

I have to WORK!!!! stop it!! you guys just suck me in...and you know you're doing it on purpose. Twisted Evil Razz Wink Rolling Eyes Very Happy


p.s. maybe I should put the novel on the announcement? nah...let people dig for it. too many words.


"The industrialists never saw the fruit of their own labor - Post Moderism,
which I now proclaim as dead. Their forefathers digital revolutionists,
have accelerated the final resolve by punctuating an end to our chaotic
journey with a new manifesto and a new era: The Age of Meaning."

(manifesto's sold separate)
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Sea Post King

I would love to see Moss Eisley sign to Saddlecreek records.
If ignorance is bliss then whipe that smile off my face
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Last edited by Jeff on Sat Jan 18, 2003 4:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Lost at Forum

No selling out woo boyd put it in plain text. should have been bold puts a little more inflection on it if you do that.
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Jonathan Clark
Sea Post King

I don't think the music would work for Gap cinematography. I think a Skittles advert would go nicely though.
The day it single with half is done. Today I questioned all never. I have two way to choose: To be forever to crush and miss of with relief compensating single close to the failure memory, or cynicism. No the exit. I do not want either or one. Do fact any life does it come here, or it is only myself? A choice between torturing or the very grotesque escape.

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Golly, Poster

yah... skittles. That would be cool. I'd buy some, even though I don't really care for them. Imagine candy raining from the sky to over the mountains we go.
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